Will You Give Me a Drink?

Exodus 17:1-7; John 4:5-42

March 12, 2023

  • What does the interaction between Jesus and Nicodemas and the interaction between Jesus and the Samaritan woman say to me about Jesus?
  • To what extent might the thing I think I’m thirsting for be masking what I’m really thirsting for deep down, and how willing am I to explore that deeper real thirst and take the risk to lay it out before Jesus?
  • What might Jesus be thirsting for from me?
  • What might mutuality and interdependence look like in the relationships I have with others, and in the relationship I have with Jesus?
  • What boundaries am I being called to cross in order to connect with someone else who is thirsty?
  • What boundaries am I being called to cross in order to connect with Jesus?